Sunday, September 13, 2009

Building a Small Enterprise with Accounts Receivable Factoring

Jay Abraham likes a dismal economy, as he says in his excellent book, "The Sticking Point Solution", because more possibilities for growth open up than in times of plenty.

Many entrepreneurs become paralyzed, retreat and get stuck during a bad economy, so it is sensible that as competitors are fighting to survive, all you want to do is plan to grow. By taking on a growth-minded system, you could be able to capture fifteen to 20 p.c of your competitors' business.

Some small business owners have discovered that during tough times, accounts receivable factoring is a great way to grow, by staying current with bills, providers, and employees. You can also pay for advertising and promoting using this plan.

While you are brooding about techniques to keep ahead of the game during a tight economy, you also might wish to reconsider your product offerings, and include both a less expensive and a premium version of your products and or services. By offering a stripped down version of your product, you can avoid losing sales to those customers who are not ready to pay the asking cost.

However, not all customers are on the lookout for the cheapest price. Many are ready to pay a higher price to get a premium product or service. You can boost your average size sale and your total income by offering a more definite product or service ...or by combining many products in a special premium offer.

Those customers who already trust you must also be re-marketed. Getting enterprises from new buyers isn't as simple as acquiring repeat business from them. Remember to develop a motivation for these existing clients to tell their family and friends about your company, as well as some special deal particularly for them.

These are only some cheap ways you can use to win more sales and find more customers. But remember it all begins with using a good business plan such as factoring. Why wait for invoices to get paid when you may use a factoring company and begin marketing immediately?

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